Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Start of it All

I was 19 when I met the man that would be my husband. we lived in Florida, my home town and he was slightly older than I was. I met him while working at a nursing home of all places. When the preschool I worked at closed it's doors, my best friends mom got me a house keeping job where she worked. Eric worked in the kitchen as a cook. We quickly became friends and started dating. within three months of dating we became pregnant...pretty quick I know! We were shocked but very excited :o) we had our son, a beautiful little boy Named Tyler! we had a great relationship but I wasn't ready to get married even though Eric had asked and his grandmother felt very strongly that we should be married before our child was born. I wanted to wait until after Tyler's first birthday I didn't want Tyler to think his parents were only together because we became pregnant, and that's just how it went. Tyler Turned one in August and we were married in September...our wedding was nice but was not our own, my Aunt was very happy and anxious to help but it wasn't our "ideal" wedding needless to say we were married and starting our life as a family.
 Right from the start our relationship has been "different" we went home after our wedding and put our son to bed. but I really believe since we had to get to know each other through our pregnancy and parenthood that we are strong. we bounced around between four states and made some "not so smart" financial decisions. When Tyler turned 2 we decided to move to Ohio to live with Eric's parents to help us learn to manage our finances and get back on our feet. it was great until I became pregnant with our second baby, I missed my family and we had apparently wore out our off we went to Alabama to be with my family. on July 12, 2009 we had our second baby another beautiful boy named "Nathan"
when Nathan was three months old we found out we were expecting yet again, not this one was more complicated on an emotional level. I struggled with how I felt about this. one hand I was ecstatic I loved being pregnant and I had a fairly easy time with it except for some preterm dilation around 32 weeks so I usually take it easy the last month or so...but anyways so yes one hand elated, the other slightly devastated. What had I done to the two children I already had? my oldest had just turned three my youngest 3 months old, to be pregnant or add anything to our family seemed nuts. This was never a debate on what would happen just more of a realization as to how to handle it and do what we do best, ADAPT!!! so we planned to move back home to Florida at tax time, and just before we did we had our "big" ultrasound, and learned we were expecting a baby "GIRL" how awesome. not that I wouldn't have loved another baby boy but i was overjoyed to be having a girl FINALLY!!! We made our move, Eric found work and on June 11, 2010 after a very quick and medicine free labor we welcomed Kaitlyn into the world.

I never imagined it to be this way but now that it is, I can't imagine it any other way!

I am now the proud mother of Three children :o) two of which being "Irish Twins" Two babies born within 12 months of each other. mine are one day early of being exactly 11 months apart. Things can be very loud and kinda crazy, but this is our life! now my husband, kids, and I must do what we do best and adapt. Tyler loves his brother and sister. He makes a great extra pair of eyes sometimes. so that about sums it up... Here we are now about a year later and Tyler, just started kindergarten and turned 5, Nathan just turned 2, and Kaitlyn recently turned 1! what a summer, the kids birthdays are June, July, and August! which makes it a hectic summer.

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